Bird Town Hall

Dr. Walter Jahn moderates as attendees share stories, pictures, & questions about birds in person (OCCC Rowley room 128) or on zoom Click here for a map of the SUNY Orange Rowley Center

Field Trip to Liberty Loop

Join OCAS board member Walter Jahn as he leads a bird walk at the Liberty Loop Trailhead in Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge along Oil City Road. After walking the 3 mile trail, group will survey for short eared owls from parking area 3 PM start hike; return to parking area shortly after sunset (4:30 […]

125th Christmas Bird Count

Since 1900 the Audubon Society has annually conducted its Christmas Bird Count. This year will be the 125th and we hope that you will be involved. We have officially chosen the date of Saturday, December 21st (snow day Sunday, December 22nd) to conduct our count. Our geographical region is Southern Orange County, which is then […]

Bird Photography

This program is for new nature photographers who want to learn to take better photos. We will look at many beautiful photos and discuss composition, lighting, background and preparation. If you enjoy nature and like taking photographs this is the program for you. Hosted by the Albert Wisner Public Library, Warwick NY. Presented by Diane […]

Plant Natives! Gardening for Birds

Why are native plants so important to the survival of birds and pollinators? This multimedia program featuring images and sounds of local backyard bird species will explain why we should use more native plants in our landscaping and how to design and plant gardens that benefit people and wildlife. Presented by: Pam Golben, environmental educator […]

Plant Natives! Gardening for Birds

Why are native plants so important to the survival of birds and pollinators? This multimedia program featuring images and sounds of local backyard bird species will explain why we should use more native plants in our landscaping and how to design and plant gardens that benefit people and wildlife. Presented by: Pam Golben, environmental educator […]

Spring Amphibians

With warmer temperatures and spring rains, what a great time to see and hear the diverse amphibians in our area! Presented by: SUNY Orange Professor Walter Jahn Hosted by the Albert Wisner Public Library Call the library to register at (845) 986-1047 Click here for a map of the Albert Wisner Public Library