OCAS holds field trips at least once a month in Orange County, New York for group birding experiences.

Check back here or on our Facebook in case there is a Pop-Up field trip to one of our sanctuaries.

Please email us through our Contact page or to info@orangecountynyaudubon.org if you’d like to arrange an OCAS-led field trip or volunteer to host a Pop-up yourself.


Field Trip Tips

Everyone is welcome on our field trips. You do not have to be an expert, although it will enhance your experience and everyone else’s to act like one. Follow these tips for all attending to have the best experience:

Do arrive on time so the group can depart together.
Do bring binoculars and field guides, if you have them.
Do wear appropriate shoes and clothes for the weather & terrain.
Do leave your dogs at home.
Do walk with the group and let the trip leader lead.
Do stay on walking paths for minimal habitat disturbance.
Do keep your talking to a minimum and use a quiet voice.
Do mute your cell phone before we start out.
Do share your sightings and your questions with the trip leader and others in the group! 


Fellow birding organization Edgar A. Mearns Bird Club (EAMBC) also regularly hosts field trips across Orange County. PLEASE NOTE: Check the EAMBC website for any updates or cancellations before you join an EAMBC field trip.While most trips are open to non members, the overnight field trips are for EAMBC members only.


Bird Walk at Heritage Trail at 6 1/2 Station Road

Tuesday, March 4th at 4pm

Join 6 1/2 Station Sanctuary steward Dr. Walter Jahn for a nature walk to explore migrating waterfowl and other wildlife.
Email info@orangecountynyaudubon.org with any questions. 

Nature Walk at the Bashakill

Sunday, March 9th at 10am

Join OCAS Board member Walter Jahn as he leads a nature walk at the Bashakill Wildlife Management Area.
After checking on the developments at the bald eagle nest, we will look for birds and other wildlife along the Bashakill.
All are welcome; registration is not necessary.

Bird Walk at Heritage Trail at 6 1/2 Station Road

Tuesday, April 1st at 4pm

Join 6 1/2 Station Sanctuary steward Dr. Walter Jahn for a nature walk to explore migrating waterfowl and other wildlife.
Email info@orangecountynyaudubon.org with any questions. 

Nature Walk at the Bashakill

Sunday, April 13th at 10am

Join OCAS Board member Walter Jahn as he leads a nature walk at the Bashakill Wildlife Management Area.
After checking on the developments at the bald eagle nest, we will look for birds and other wildlife along the Bashakill.
All are welcome; registration is not necessary.

Bird Walk at Heritage Trail at 6 1/2 Station Road

Tuesday, May 6th at 4pm

Join 6 1/2 Station Sanctuary steward Dr. Walter Jahn for a nature walk to explore migrating waterfowl and other wildlife.
Email info@orangecountynyaudubon.org with any questions. 

Nature Walk at the Bashakill

Sunday, May 11th at 10am

Join OCAS Board member Walter Jahn as he leads a nature walk at the Bashakill Wildlife Management Area.
After checking on the developments at the bald eagle nest, we will look for birds and other wildlife along the Bashakill.
All are welcome; registration is not necessary.

Bird Walk at Heritage Trail at 6 1/2 Station Road

Tuesday, June 3rd at 4pm

Join 6 1/2 Station Sanctuary steward Dr. Walter Jahn for a nature walk to explore migrating waterfowl and other wildlife.
Email info@orangecountynyaudubon.org with any questions. 

Nature Walk at the Bashakill

Sunday, June 8th at 10am

Join OCAS Board member Walter Jahn as he leads a nature walk at the Bashakill Wildlife Management Area.
After checking on the developments at the bald eagle nest, we will look for birds and other wildlife along the Bashakill.
All are welcome; registration is not necessary.

Bird Walk at Heritage Trail at 6 1/2 Station Road

Tuesday, September 2nd at 4pm

Join 6 1/2 Station Sanctuary steward Dr. Walter Jahn for a nature walk to explore migrating waterfowl and other wildlife.
Email info@orangecountynyaudubon.org with any questions. 

Nature Walk at the Bashakill

Sunday, September 14th at 10am

Join OCAS Board member Walter Jahn as he leads a nature walk at the Bashakill Wildlife Management Area.
After checking on the developments at the bald eagle nest, we will look for birds and other wildlife along the Bashakill.
All are welcome; registration is not necessary.

Bird Walk at Heritage Trail at 6 1/2 Station Road

Tuesday, October 7th at 4pm

Join 6 1/2 Station Sanctuary steward Dr. Walter Jahn for a nature walk to explore migrating waterfowl and other wildlife.
Email info@orangecountynyaudubon.org with any questions. 

Nature Walk at the Bashakill

Sunday, October 12th at 10am

Join OCAS Board member Walter Jahn as he leads a nature walk at the Bashakill Wildlife Management Area.
After checking on the developments at the bald eagle nest, we will look for birds and other wildlife along the Bashakill.
All are welcome; registration is not necessary.

Bird Walk at Heritage Trail at 6 1/2 Station Road

Tuesday, November 4th at 4pm

Join 6 1/2 Station Sanctuary steward Dr. Walter Jahn for a nature walk to explore migrating waterfowl and other wildlife.
Email info@orangecountynyaudubon.org with any questions. 

Nature Walk at the Bashakill

Sunday, November 9th at 10am

Join OCAS Board member Walter Jahn as he leads a nature walk at the Bashakill Wildlife Management Area.
After checking on the developments at the bald eagle nest, we will look for birds and other wildlife along the Bashakill.
All are welcome; registration is not necessary.

Bird Walk at Heritage Trail at 6 1/2 Station Road

Tuesday, December 2nd at 4pm

Join 6 1/2 Station Sanctuary steward Dr. Walter Jahn for a nature walk to explore migrating waterfowl and other wildlife.
Email info@orangecountynyaudubon.org with any questions. 
Image of a Great Blue Heron standing in shallow water
Image of a Great Blue Heron standing in shallow water
Image of a Great Blue Heron standing in shallow water


6 1/2 Station Fall Migratory Bird Nature Walk
Sunday, October 15th, 2023 at 9:30am

Join biologist and OCAS board member Dr. Walter Jahn for a fall nature walk highlighting fall migrating birds. Parking is available at the sanctuary. Wear comfortable shoes and bring binoculars if you have them. Email info@orangecountynyaudubon.org for more information.



Fall Songbird Walk at AOOA Farm
Sunday, September 10th at 10:30am

In person event cohosted by All for One, One for All Farm. Orange County Audubon Society is happy to announce a collaboration with All for One, One for All. Join OCAS board member Dr. Walter Jahn as he leads a fall songbird walk at the AOOA Farm in Goshen NY.



Pop-Up Field Trip to Liberty Loop
Friday, September 8th at 4pm

Join OCAS Board Member Diane Tuttle this Friday, September 8th, at 4pm for a Pop-Up Field Trip to the Liberty Loop Trail on Oil City Road in Pine Island, NY, to see the many birds that are visiting the area!



Pop-Up Field Trip to Knapp’s View
Friday, June 9th at 4pm

Join OCAS Board Member Diane Tuttle for a field trip to Knapp’s View in Chester, NY. We hope to see the bobolinks!



Field Trip to High Point State Park
Saturday, June 3rd at 9am with Walt Jahn

Join us on Saturday 6/3 at 9 AM to hike the Cedar swamp trail which passes through a unique habitat formed at the end of the last glaciation.



Spring Bird Walk with AOOA Farm
Saturday, May 27th at 10:30am
In person event cohosted by All for One, One for All Farm

Orange County Audubon Society is happy to announce a collaboration with All for One, One for All. Join OCAS board member Dr. Walter Jahn as he leads a spring bird walk at the AOOA Farm in Goshen NY.



Nature Walk at 6 1/2 Station Sanctuary

Sunday, May 21, 2023 at 9am

Join OCAS Board member Dr. Walter Jahn for a nature walk at 6 1/2 Station Sanctuary and explore birds, flowers, aquatic invertebrates and everything in between! Wear comfortable shoes and bring a hat or sunscreen.


Spring Migrant Bird Walk on the Walden-Wallkill Rail Trail

Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 8am

Mid-May is peak time for viewing migratory songbirds. Bill Fiero, one of Orange County’s most experienced birders, will lead a field trip on the Rail Trail on Saturday, May 20th. Meet at the Kimbell Parking lot on Lake Osiris Road (just off Rt. 208, north of Walden Village) at 8am.

Pop-Up Field Trip to Liberty Loop Trail

Friday, May 5, 2023 at 4pm

Join OCAS Board Member Diane Tuttle this Friday, May 5th at the Wallkill National Wildlife Refuge Liberty Loop Trail for a 2-1/2 mile walk on flat terrain. We will be meeting at the parking lot on Oil City Road. We hope you can join us as we keep an eye out for migrating birds and warblers.


Pop-Up Field Trip to Liberty Loop

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Join OCAS board member Diane Tuttle for a bird walk around Liberty Loop at the Wallkill National Wildlife Refuge.

Birding on the Trails

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Join OCAS and the Mamakating Library for a walk on our local D&H Canal Tow Path to see the spring birds. Wear comfortable shoes and bring binoculars if you have them. Led by Dr. Walter Jahn.

Plum Point & Newburgh Waterfront Trail

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Plum Point is a small park with great views of the Hudson River and a short hiking trail. Bald Eagles, Gulls, waterfowl and resident winter songbirds are possible. Afterwards a short drive will take us to the Newburgh Waterfront Trail, featuring views of the river and occasional wintering warblers (Nashville and Orange-crowned have been reported recently).

Pop-Up Field Trip to Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Meet OCAS Board Member Diane Tuttle at the Wallkill NWR Liberty Loop Trail at the parking lot on Oil City Road. We hope to see the Sandhill Cranes.

Pop-Up Field Trip to Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge

Friday, October 14, 2022

Meet OCAS Board Member Diane Tuttle at the Wallkill NWR Liberty Loop Trail at the parking lot on Oil City Road. We hope to see the Sandhill Cranes.



Pop-Up Field Trip to 6 1/2 Station Sanctuary

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Join Diane Tuttle on this 2022 Birding Big Day to see the wood ducks, pin tails, geese, swans and blue heron who share the marshy wetland areas. 



Laurel Grove Cemetary

Saturday, September 24, 2022 at 8:30 am

On Saturday, September 24 at 8:30 AM, James Van Gelder will be leading a field trip at Laurel Grove Cemetery in Port Jervis. This historic and scenic old cemetery is situated in a beautiful setting between the Delaware and Neversink Rivers. It is also a prime birding spot and Fall songbird migration should be in full swing.

Fall Birding at Liberty Loop

Sunday, August 28, 2022 at 8:00 am

It’s late summer here but the birds know Winter is coming! The first wave of warblers and sparrows will be starting. Shorebirds that nest in the arctic are already here. Herons and egrets have left their rookeries and come to the refuge in search of prey, and numbers of all resident birds at their yearly peak. All this adds up to a great show at the refuge! Led by Jim Van Gelder




Birds and Butterflies at Warwick County Park

Saturday, July 16, 2022 at 9:00 am

Birds and Butterflies- and Dragonflies too! Please join us on Saturday, July 16th at 9:00 AM for a multi-faceted nature walk. Warwick County Park is located on County Park Lane in Warwick, just off 17A. Open meadows and a small pond host a variety of beautiful insects and birds. Networks of wooded trails also supports a wide diversity of wildlife. Parking is located on the left-hand turn up the road from the Park and Ride. Shoes and socks suggested, trails are mowed but there is always a risk of Poison Ivy and ticks. Led by Jim Van Gelder



Kenridge Farm at Hudson Highlands Nature Museum Field Trip

Saturday, June 18, 2022 at 8:30am

Kenridge Farm is the Outdoor Discovery Center of the Hudson Highlands Nature Museum. There is a network of trails winding through a variety of habitats: fields, shrubs, woodlands and several small ponds. Many songbirds will be nesting here and the ponds are usually good for a heron or two.

Led by Jim Van Gelder

Email us to register at info@orangecountynyaudubon.org for location info.




Flying Trillium Gardens & Preserve Field Trip

Sunday, May 29, 2022 at 10:00am

We are very excited to announce that after her well-attended Native Plants Program last month, sponsored by Greenwood Lake Library, Carolyn Summers has graciously invited us to visit her Flying Trillium Gardens & Preserve in Sullivan County. Dedicated to the promulgation of the native flora of the Northeast, she has numerous different demonstration gardens using natives. Growing native plants is essential for the birds, bees and other pollinators, and we can learn more about how to create a native garden at home while enjoying her beautiful gardens and preserve. The may be an opportunity for a bog garden walk on site so bring your boots if you’d like

Led by Carolyn Summers

Orange County Audubon Society Big Day

Saturday, May 14, 2022 at 8:00am

In conjunction with, Cornell University’s ‘Global Big Day,’ we are scheduling an Orange County Audubon Big Day to count all the birds we see at our OCAS sanctuaries. We’ll enter the information from the Day’s count into the eBird app, where it becomes part of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s global database.

Everyone is welcome to join in visiting each of our four accessible OCAS sanctuaries in succession, starting with 6 1/2 Station Sanctuary in Goshen. We will then move on to Stony Creek in Florida, followed by Norman Brook and Long Swamp, both in Warwick. (Led by Jim Van Gelder)

6 1/2 Station Sanctuary Field Trip

Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 9:00am

A visit to Orange County Audubon’s flagship sanctuary. April is a great time to bird here! Many migrating ducks are still present, as well as herons, egrets and songbirds starting to arrive. Will meet by kiosk.

Led by Diane Tuttle

American Woodcock Bird Walk

Highland Lakes State Park

Sunday, March 27, 2022 at 7:00pm

Meet at the parking area (directions below) at 7:00 pm. Bring a flash light for use on the way out. Wear sturdy shoes for a short downhill walk.

American Woodcock courtship takes place at dusk. The males can be heard making a nasal “peent” call. A little shuffling dance can sometimes be seen. Then, they launch upwards in a spiraling flight into the darkness, circle a bit, and return to earth.

Led by Jim Van Gelder. Part of Audubon in the Parks.

COVID restrictions still apply, so registration is limited. To make your reservation for the trip, email us at info@orangecountynyaudubon.org

Directions: From Middletown (Rt 211E); to left on Goshen Tpk (Rt 101); to right on Scotchtown/Collabar Rd (Rt 47); to a right on Tamms Rd (opposite King Rd). Go up hill on Tamms Rd and the parking lot is on the right side around the curve in the road.  Google Maps link for Highland Lakes State Park Parking Area – click here

Questions? Call 845-360-0508 / info@orangecountynyaudubon.org
Highland Lake State Park map pdf – click here

If you need to get in touch with trip leader, Jim Van Gelder, his # is: 845-324.0838

SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 2022 at 7:00pm

Meet at the parking area (directions below) at 7:00 pm. Bring a flash light for use on the way out. Wear sturdy shoes for a short downhill walk.

American Woodcock courtship takes place at dusk. The males can be heard making a nasal “peent” call. A little shuffling dance can sometimes be seen. Then, they launch upwards in a spiraling flight into the darkness, circle a bit, and return to earth.

Led by Jim Van Gelder. Part of Audubon in the Parks.

COVID restrictions still apply, so registration is limited. To make your reservation for the trip, email us at info@orangecountynyaudubon.org

Directions: From Middletown (Rt 211E); to left on Goshen Tpk (Rt 101); to right on Scotchtown/Collabar Rd (Rt 47); to a right on Tamms Rd (opposite King Rd). Go up hill on Tamms Rd and the parking lot is on the right side around the curve in the road.  Google Maps link for Highland Lakes State Park Parking Area – click here

Questions? Call 845-360-0508 / info@orangecountynyaudubon.org
Highland Lake State Park map pdf – click here

If you need to get in touch with trip leader, Jim Van Gelder, his # is: 845-324.0838

Shawangunk Grasslands National Wildlife Refuge
Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 4:30pm***
Shawangunk Grasslands NWR- A unique environment of open grasslands on an abandoned airfield. The wide open spaces attract a variety of raptors – Northern Harrier, Short-eared Owls, Red-tailed and Rough-legged Hawks. As the owls come out at dusk, this will be a 4:30 PM start late afternoon trip.

***There will also be an earlier optional side trip to the Weston Road Swamp in Ulster County (a 30-minute drive each way) to look for Redheaded Woodpeckers. Carpool departure at 2:00 PM from the Shawangunk Grasslands parking lot, returning by 5:00 PM. Trip leader: Jim Van Gelder.

Due to COVID restrictions, attendance will be capped at 10 participants, so registration is REQUIRED.

Directions: From Interstate 84 (New York State), take exit #5. Take State Rt. 208 North until you enter Village of Walden. At the stop light, turn right, continuing north on State Rt. 208 to the Hamlet of Wallkill in Ulster County. At the stop sign, turn left on Wallkill Avenue. Travel for 0.2 mile and turn left on Bruyn Turnpike / County Rt. 18 (Post Office on corner). At the stop sign, continue straight on Bruyn Turnpike. Travel for 1.4 miles and turn right on Hoagerburgh Road. Travel for 1.5 miles, passing Blue Chip Farm, and turn right into Shawangunk Grasslands National Wildlife Refuge.

Click here for Google Maps

Audubon Climate Watch

Saturday, February 12, 2022 at 10:00am

This is a citizen science National Audubon bird count. OCAS has reserved 2 squares in which 3-member teams will bird at specific points for 5-minute spurts. Our target species to ID are the Eastern Bluebird and the Red Breasted Nuthatch, but we get to count all the birds we see and hear. Tracking where these birds are from Jan. 15 to Feb. 15 and from May 15 to June 15 will tell Audubon data analists how the range of these species may or may not be affected by our fluctuating weather.

Sunday, January 16th 10am
Chapter Meet-up at Plum Point

Join us on the bank of the Hudson at this beautiful riverside park which features outstanding views of the Hudson Highlands. We will hold a short chapter meetup while scanning the river for eagles and waterfowl, then check out the woodland trails for woodpeckers and songbirds.

Sunday, December 19, 2021
122nd Audubon Christmas Bird Count
Join us in this long-held holiday tradition dating all the way back to 1900.
A fun way to get outside in the winter, join with friends in birding, and contribute to valuable research data.

Field Trip to Bashakill Wetlands
Saturday, October 30, 2021 @ 8:00am

Just over the border in Sullivan County lies the Bashakill, southeastern New York’s largest wetland. In the fall this beautiful and unique area is a haven for migrating waterfowl. Also present are Bald Eagles, Osprey and late migrant songbirds.
Led by James Van Gelder

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Field Trip to Doodletown

An abandoned village in northern Rockland County. Diverse habitats – woods, streams, overgrown fields and a pond. There will be plenty of migrating songbirds – warblers, vireos, thrushes and more!

Sunday, Aug. 22, 2021
Field Trip to Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge

Shorebirds that nest in the Arctic begin their southern migration in the latter part of summer, so there will be a chance to see sandpipers, plovers, yellowlegs and others. Also herons, egrets and the resident songbirds.

6 1/2 Station Sanctuary, Small-Group Field Trip
Goshen, NY
Saturday, June 19, 2021, Morning

An easy walk on the sanctuary trails and also along the Heritage Trail which borders the sanctuary. We will be looking for songbirds, water birds, and turtles. Led by Dianne Tuttle. Registration is required. Meeting time and location will be shared with registered participants. Please read the COVID-19 field trip guidelines above.

Sterling Forest, Small-Group Field Trip
Sunday, May 16, 2021, EARLY morning

Mid-May is prime time to see lots of colorful warblers, orioles, tanagers, flycatchers and more — including a chance for the Golden-winged Warbler, a New York State Species of Special Concern. The walk will pass over varied terrain with some uphill. An EARLY start. Led by Jim Van Gelder.

Earth Day Sanctuary Clean-up
6 1/2 Station Rd Sanctuary, Goshen, NY

Sunday, April 18, 2021, 12:00-2:00 

Join in our annual Earth Day clean-up of the 6 ½ Station Sanctuary in Goshen. Bring your gloves, pruners,
loppers, shovels, and MASKS (required). There is always plenty to do, and it’s nicer doing it with friends.

Woodcock Walk, Small-Group Field Trip
Highland Lakes State Park, Middletown, NY
Friday, April 9, 2021, PM

This is an evening field trip. Bring a flash light for use on the way out. Wear sturdy shoes for a short downhill walk.
Sometimes the woodcocks land close enough for photos. Led by Lynn Barber. Please read the COVID-19 field trip guidelines above. Meeting location and time will be shared with registrants only.

Small-Group Field Trip to Liberty Loop
Saturday, December 5, 2020, AM

We will visit the Wallkill River Wildlife Refuge to see migrating ducks and winter raptors. A level 2.5 mile walk. Dress Warm with good shoes for the weather. Led by Jim Van Gelder.

Virtual Field Trip – Zoom
Wednesday, September 30, 2020, 7:00pm
Online event

Join us for a virtual field trip to OCAS’s 6 1/2 Station Sanctuary. We will view photos of birds currently seen at the sanctuary and discuss fall migration sightings. This is a great way to prepare for a your own birding adventures. Bring your questions! This will be informal, fun, and interactive. Led by Rich Van Tieghem

Small-Group Field Trip at Stewart State Forest
Saturday, September 26, 2020

This area includes fields, woods, and wetland habitats for a variety of birds. Led by Jim Van Gelder. Registration is required. Meeting time and location will be shared with registered participants. Please read the COVID-19 field trip guidelines above.

Dennings Point State Park and Madam Brett Park
Sunday, February 16, 2020 at 8:30am 
Two small parks on the east side of the Hudson River. Bald Eagles and waterfowl congregate here in the winter along with the usual songbirds. Meet in the Dennings Point State Park parking lot at the end of Denning Ave. Trip Leader: Jim Van Gelder. Email us to register here.

Directions: google maps click here

Questions? Call 845-360-0508 / info@orangecountynyaudubon.org
~ ~ ~

Shawangunk Grasslands National Wildlife Refuge
Saturday, January 11, 2020 at 4:00pm***
Shawangunk Grasslands NWR- A unique environment of open grasslands on an abandoned airfield. The wide open spaces attract a variety of raptors – Northern Harrier, Short-eared Owls, Red-tailed and Rough-legged Hawks. As the owls come out at dusk, this will be a 4:00 PM start late afternoon trip.

***There will also be an earlier optional side trip to the Weston Road Swamp in Ulster County (a 30-minute drive each way) to look for Redheaded Woodpeckers. Carpool departure at 1:30 PM from the Shawangunk Grasslands parking lot, returning by 4:00 PM. Trip leader: Garret Van Gelder. Email us to register here.

Directions: From Interstate 84 (New York State), take exit #5. Take State Rt. 208 North until you enter Village of Walden. At the stop light, turn right, continuing north on State Rt. 208 to the Hamlet of Wallkill in Ulster County. At the stop sign, turn left on Wallkill Avenue. Travel for 0.2 mile and turn left on Bruyn Turnpike / County Rt. 18 (Post Office on corner). At the stop sign, continue straight on Bruyn Turnpike. Travel for 1.4 miles and turn right on Hoagerburgh Road. Travel for 1.5 miles, passing Blue Chip Farm, and turn right into Shawangunk Grasslands National Wildlife Refuge.

Click here for Google Maps

Questions? Call 845-360-0508 / info@orangecountynyaudubon.org
~ ~ ~

Southern Orange County Christmas Bird Count
Sat, Dec 28, 2019, All Day (rain date Dec 29)
Various Southern Orange County Locations

Would you like to participate in the 120th Audubon CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT? It is great fun and appropriate for all skill levels and ages. Count volunteers are grouped together and will follow specified routes, counting every bird that they see or hear. The data collected by observers over the past century has allowed Audubon researchers, conservation biologists, and wildlife agencies to study the long-term health and status of bird populations across North America. Come out and join us for this fun Citizen Science activity.

Sign up HERE

~ ~ ~

Hamptonburgh Preserve
Saturday, November 16, 2019 at 8:00am-10:00am
The Hamptonburgh Preserve is prime nesting habitat for waterfowl, woodpeckers, bluebirds and other cavity-nesting birds, combining rolling wildflower meadows, farmland and riverine forest along the Wallkill River. The Preserve is located at the intersection of routes 207 and 416 in the Town of Hamptonburgh. Parking entrance is on Rt. 207 just east of the intersection. Led by Bill Fiero. Email us to register.

for GPS directions use 3 State Highway 416, Campbell Hall, NY 10916
Click here for google maps

General Questions? Call 845-360-0508 or info@orangecountynyaudubon.org

Bruderhof Bellvale Community
Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 4:00PM
A late afternoon trip to a beautiful private location. Jarvis Shirky will lead and help us sort out those confusing fall Warblers and Sparrows! We will walk near the lake and up to a small peak (short but steep) for a beautiful view. Anyone who would like to stay for Bellvale’s community dinner is more than welcome to do so. It’s free, but please indicate in your RSVP if you plan to join for supper. RSVP here

359 Gibson Hill Rd, Chester, NY 10918 (drive down just past the lake on your left, park at the turnaround.)
Click here for google maps

General Questions? Call 845-360-0508 or info@orangecountynyaudubon.org
Questions on Field Trip Day? Call Jim at (845) 324-0838

Winding Waters Trail
Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge

Saturday, September 21, 2019 at 8:30am
An easy walk through a variety of habitats along the beautiful Wallkill River. Warblers, sparrows, and shorebirds will all be on the move. Meet at trailhead parking lot. Led by Jim Van Gelder. Sponsored by the Albert Wisner Public Library (see Autumn Bird Identification Program on Sept 18). Please register here. 

Click here for google maps

General Questions? Call 845-360-0508 or info@orangecountynyaudubon.org
Questions on Field Trip Day? Call Jim at (845) 324-0838

Nature Walk
6 1/2 Station Road Sanctuary

Saturday, August 17, 2019 at 8:30am
Join us for a nature walk – we will look around and see what we can identify. We will be looking for birds, reptiles, amphibians, plants and more.  Call 845-360-0508 or click here to email us to register. Led by Jim Van Gelder and Melissa Peterson

Address: 88 6 1/2 Station Rd., Goshen, NY 10924
go to our Sanctuaries page to learn more about the 6 1/2 Station Rd Sanctuary
Click here for google maps

General Questions? Call 845-360-0508 or info@orangecountynyaudubon.org
Questions on Field Trip Day? Call Jim at (845) 324-0838

Goosepond Mountain State Park
Sunday, June 16, 2019 at 8:30am
A mix of woods and open fields. An easy walk down an abandoned road. Resident songbirds of field and forest. Meet at the small parking lot off of 17M, 50 yards East of Craigville Rd/ Rt 51. Led by Jim Van Gelder
Goosepond Mountain State Park

lat/long 41.345709, -74.226275 or for the Google Maps link for the meeting location click here
Goosepond Mountain State Park Trail Map click here

General Questions? Call 845-360-0508 or info@orangecountynyaudubon.org
Questions on Field Trip Day? Call Jim at (845) 324-0838

Sunday, May 19, 2019 at 8:30am
An abandoned village in northern Rockland County. Diverse habitats – woods, streams, overgrown fields and a pond. There will be plenty of migrating songbirds – warblers, vireos, thrushes and more! Meet at Doodletown trailhead parking area (a small lot on the East side of Rt. 9W/202, south of Bear Mtn Bridge). The trail has a moderate uphill grade. Led by Jim Van Gelder

lat/long 41.30033, -73.98600 or for the Google Maps link for the meeting location click here

General Questions? Call 845-360-0508 or info@orangecountynyaudubon.org
Questions on Field Trip Day? Call Jim at (845) 324-0838

Stewart State Forest
Saturday, April 13, 2019 at 8:30am
Mix of old fields, woods and wetlands. Migrating songbirds and waterfowl. Meet at the Ridge Road entrance parking area located on the north side of Stewart State Forest. Led by Jim Van Gelder

Lat/long 41.512946, -74.157880 or for the Google Maps link for meeting location click here
Stewart State Forest Trail Map click here

General Questions? Call 845-360-0508 or info@orangecountynyaudubon.org
Questions on Field Trip Day? Call Jim at (845) 324-0838

American Woodcock Bird Walk
Highland Lakes State Park
Friday, March 29, 2019 at 7:00pm 
Meet at the parking area (directions below) at 7:00 pm. Bring a flash light for use on the way out. Wear sturdy shoes for a short down hill walk. Sometimes the woodcocks land close enough for photos. Led by Lynn Barber. Part of Audubon in the Parks.

Directions: From Middletown (Rt 211E); to left on Goshen Tpk (Rt 101); to right on Scotchtown/Collabar Rd (Rt 47); to a right on Tamms Rd (opposite King Rd). Go up hill on Tamms Rd and the parking lot is on the right side around the curve in the road.  Google Maps link for Highland Lakes State Park Parking Area – click here

Questions? Call 845-360-0508 / info@orangecountynyaudubon.org
Highland Lake State Park map pdf – click here

Sat, Jan 19, 2019, 8:30-10:30am, Hudson River Waterfront Birding Field Trip: Kowanese Unique Area at Plum Point, 90 Plum Point Ln, New Windsor 12553

We will be looking for eagles, ducks and gulls.  From here we can also check out other areas on the Hudson. Dress Warm!!  Meet in the large parking area on Plum Point Lane. Click here for map/directions.
Led by Jim Van Gelder (845) 324-0838.
Call if you need help with directions.

Sat, Dec 29, 2018, All Day, Various Orange County Locations:  The 119th CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT

The Southern Orange County circle, compiled by Terryanne Gmelch.

Sun, Nov 4, 7:30-9:30am, Bashakill Birding Field Trip:
We will be looking for migrant songbirds and waterfowl at the beautiful and unique Bashakill Wildlife Management Area. There is also a good chance for eagles and osprey. Meet at the South Road “Nature Trail” parking area. Click here for map/directions.
Led by Jim Van Gelder (845) 324-3229. Call if you need help with directions or click here.
Image of a Great Blue Heron standing in shallow water